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Recent News, Events and Board Calendar

The Annual Meeting was held Saturday July 6, 2024 at

Dinook Tribal Hall - Evansville, Alaska

A quorum was reached and the Board of Directors were elected.

Congratulations to the door prize winners:
Sonja Ahern

Margaret Durand

William King

Barbara Marquez


2024-2025 Board Calendar

Unless otherwise noted, all Evansville, Inc. Board of Director meetings are held at the Evansville, Inc. office, 1222 Well Street, Fairbanks, Alaska.

Board meetings are held on a quarterly basis.  The meetings are for the purpose of transacting any and all such business as may properly come before the board.  All board meetings are open to Evansville, Inc. shareholders.

2025 Fiscal Year

Fourth Quarter (Oct/Nov/Dec) - 2024

Thursday, October 3, 2024 5:30pm


First Quarter (Jan/Feb/March) - 2025

Thursday, January 9, 2025 5:30pm

Second Quarter (Apr/May/June) - 2025

Thursday, April 3, 2025 5:30pm

Third Quarter (July/Aug/Sep) - 2025

Saturday, July 5, 2025 Annual Meeting

Dinook Tribal Hall Evansville, AK 1:00pm**

Sunday, July 6, 2025 Election of Officers

Dinook Tribal Hall Evansville, AK 10:00am

**The Annual Meeting is followed by a picnic at 7:00pm. All community members of Evansville and Bettles Field are welcome to attend.

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