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Our Land

Evansville, Inc. is the native village corporation representing the shareholders of Evansville, Inc. stock and is a landholder of lands in and surrounding the village of Evansville, Alaska. It was organized in accordance with the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) of 1971, Section 8 and the laws of the State of Alaska.  Under provisions of ANCSA, Evansville, Inc. received a land entitlement. 

To learn more about the history of Alaska lands, please watch these videos:



The corporation's land base is located in the vicinity of Evansville/Bettles in proximity to the John and Koyukuk Rivers, just south of the  Brooks Range.  The land lies between the Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve to the north and the Kanuti National Wildlife Refuge to the south.






Corporate Leadership & Goals

Land and business activities are managed by a board of directors consisting of seven members and elected by the shareholders each year at the Annual Shareholders Meeting held in Evansville.


Protection and preservation of its land base is a priority for the board of directors.  The board allows a variety of traditional uses on its land for shareholders and non-shareholders under permit or other formal agreement.  It is the goal of the board to retain the land base ownership to the fullest extent possible.  Land related policies and management activities strongly reflect this goal.


The corporation maintains an office in Fairbanks, Alaska.  Contact with Evansville, Inc. personnel can be made by mail: P.O. Box 72579 Fairbanks, AK 99707, by telephone: 907-374-7084 or by email:

Board of Directors

Leah Thompson - President

               SEAT F

Sheryl Meierotto - Vice-President

                 SEAT A

Sonja Ahern - Secretary/Treasurer

                   SEAT E

Photo coming soon

John Demientieff - Board Member

                   SEAT F

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Margaret Durand - Board Member

                    SEAT D

Wayne Musser- Board Member

                       SEAT B


Catherine Thoemmes - Board Member

                      SEAT C




The following resolution was adopted by the board of directors July 6, 2014:


WHEREAS, Evansville, Incorporated was created by the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act                     (ANCSA) with full rights of private land ownership and,

WHEREAS, Evansville, Incorporated land selections and subsequent conveyances were primarily

                     based on traditional use and occupancy of a subsistence and wilderness tourism

                     economy and,

WHEREAS, Keeping the land base free of encumbrances and trespass from outside interest is

                     essential to preserving the integrity of said land base and,

WHEREAS, The State of Alaska may in the future gain ownership of the proposed Ambler Mining

                     Road and,

WHEREAS, The State of Alaska's position has been one of designating private resource roads,

                     once private use has ended, into public roads, i.e. Dalton Highway and, 

WHEREAS, History has shown that public roads in remote areas lead to trespass on private lands

                     with little to no protection for private landowners and,

WHEREAS, History has shown that public roads in rural, wilderness areas generate pressure on

                     subsistence resources critical to a subsistence economy and,

WHEREAS, A proposed Ambler Mining Road that severs Evansville Incorporated's land base

                     would create a physical encumbrance that would adversely impact management and

                     enjoyment of the land and,

WHEREAS, There are no assurances in the Ambler Mining Road proposal sufficient to address

                     the above noted concerns now,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Evansville, Incorporated Board of Directors opposes

                     construction of any portion of the proposed Ambler Mining Road on Evansville,

                     Incorporated land.

We hereby certify that this resolution was unanimously passed by the Evansvillle, Incorporated Board of Directors on July 6 of 2014.




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